I 'suffer' from a hyper active imagination. Yes, I'm deliberately using the term 'suffer' because only I can testify as to the atrocities my imagination has put me through. Some of you may know just exactly what I'm trying to get at here. I think in high resolution pictures and when I wolf down a racy thriller, you can be sure its in HD video (:D). Add to the mix the fact that I dig horror novels and voila! a perfect recipe for paranoia!
Oh its all fine and dandy! when I'm actually reading the book or probably talking about it. Infact, it makes the experience that much more satisfying. Its the aftermath that my feeble heart can't handle.Oh yeah! No point in hiding it but I'm so brave when it comes to the dark and ghosts that I could give 'Courage, the cowardly dog' a serious complex. So, I'm done with the book and the next time I go into a dark room or the lights suddenly go out its disco time in lala land :D. All the gory and vivid images rush upto me at once and it takes counting a whole planet of sheep before I can get my bearings right again.
Its probably not as bad as it sounds but trust me its bad enough. And being the "original contradiction" that I am, I will not stop reading those horror novels or watching those horror movies nor will I stop being scared witless with the ghosts of the dark. Cheers.
Now, if this beloved bane of mine stopped with just manifestations in the dark it would have been easier to handle but naah! I'm also blessed (or should I rather say blasted!) with the funny side of it. Like this one time when my dear friend said "Eeyana acchu walrus la untaadu kada" ('Doesn't he look exactly like a walrus?') about a professor stuck in my head. I go to him next day for signatures on my reco letters and I actually blanked out for a minute when he was asking me something for lo and behold! there was a walrus behind the desk! To my extreme mortification, I had to struggle with all my might to suppress the most silliest of giggles that almost broke out right in his face! Ah! the trials that a poor victim of the 'Incorrigible Imagination Syndrome' has to suffer I tell you!
So long..
PS(pre-script): The following comment is a lame-ass attempt to rhyme incoherent thoughts.
Tilting one's head to the left and getting lost withing those fantasies, reminds me of Calvin and his idiosyncrasies.
Nice one Nia!
Given a choice over life's banalities, I would chose in a heart beat my own whims and fancies :D
Thanks Sid!
nice one!!! da blog is a nice explanatory of nia....totally u :P...gud effort..
thank you..
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