Friday, April 16, 2010 | By: Nia

The Great Escape

Away from the chaos of reality
Into a mosaic of dreams
Far from the tendrils of despair
Into numbing music that in your veins screams
Straight out of the depths of a bog of relationships
Dive into a kaleidoscope of fond memories
Sprint into a mindless rant
From a mind riddled with worries

Lost in the pages of a book
Oblivious to a tangle of emotions
Racing on a road to the evasive horizon
Just to avoid messy confrontations

Grasping for silly small talk
To dodge long awkward silences
Those lopsided smiles
When you run into strange lost acquaintances

Tucking away cold apathy
Under a facade of frigid civility
Burying hurt and discontent
Beneath scathing sarcasm and taunts so witty

Stuck in a whirlwind of reasons and explanations
Playing hide and seek with evident misconception
Conveniently calling a lack of conviction
A search for clarity in the alleged confusion

How cleverly nooks and corners you find
Waltzing around oh so well
Yet a simple fact unknowingly prevails
Escape you never can from yourself